Converters and Repeaters

Converters and interface repeaters are designed especially for industrial application. They can be mounted onto a DIN-rack and also include a terminal block for power supply connection, an external power unit and an optical coupler. Converters secure the transparent transmission from one type of data transmission medium into another one.
Products: 271

Interface converter is a device that allows to overcome the medium restriction for data transmission by converting the information into the form, that would be used in other media.

Converters and interface repeaters can be applied in the following fields:

  • Water supply and drainage
  • Oil and gas industry
  • Power industry
  • Intellectual transport systems
  • Automation of chemical process
  • Retail

Functionality of converters and interface repeaters

It is possible to choose or customize modular equipment with modifiable amount of ports, conformal PC-boards coating, models with extended temperature operation range and a back-up power source, as well as devices conforming to specific field standards.

Converters and interface repeaters can be irreplaceable when it is required to perform a simple and effective transition between the media with no time loss. The communication line extension can overcome some of the serial interfaces restrictions.

The product line allows to choose the equipment with desirable number and combination of ports depending on a task, whereas additional intellectual functions enhance reliability and fault tolerance.