Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) System is the sophisticated technology for automatic fees collection at the highways. It is a completely considered solution which includes up-to-date equipment such as Industrial Managed Switches, RFID readers and fiber connections. Automatic ETC system has several upsides in comparison to manual system. First off all, it’s very convenient for drivers, because they can continue going without delays at the entering point of the toll motorway. So, overall effect of air pollution as well as journey time may be diminished. Furthermore, the reduction of human interference at the paid highway can also shrink human mistakes and enhance effectiveness of collecting fees.

The installation of electronic Electronic Toll Collection system uses diversity of devices like vehicle-mounted electronic tags, ETC toll monitors, readers, Ethernet serial servers and data center. Usually, all end-devices are installed on or next to the fee gate use wired/wireless connection to the Industrial Managed Switches and transfer data to the billing center. To guarantee the quality and proper work of connection, the switches have to cope with temperature especially outdoors and also they must ensure continuous connection even if a malfunction of the single point occurs. So, vehicle data can be transfer online to the billing center at the far site.
Industrial Managed Switches IFS-series are specially designed for industrial networking and ensure proper work characteristics in harsh environments. They are completely correspond to demands of Electronic Toll Collection system due to they support vast operational range of temperature (from -40 to 75℃), up to 20 ports for Ethernet connection (copper and Fast Ethernet fiber ports) for u-Ring, u-Chain and sub-Ring topologies. They are provide different network redundancy and there are quite possible to build topology which can support ultimately 5 rings and the recovery time, for instance, for a single point error occurs in the system is 10 ms. So, you can be confident that the data from Ethernet serial servers and other equipment to data center will be transmit properly.
They also have rugged construction, protection against lightning strikes, ESD or surges and meet the requirements in modern features like precise time synchronization, remote adjustment and others.
So, using the prepared Electronic Toll Collection solution and reliable up-to-date equipment it’s quite easy to make the appropriate system for automatic fee collecting at the paid roads. It may be simple system which consists of one motorway only or complicated one with the immense quantity of control spots and highways.