Measurement of energy consumption and temperature using a 433 MHz radio channel

24 May 2022 Product News

Modern intelligent production is a huge mechanism with many devices and complex interactions with each other. To optimize it, Industry 4.0, Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data technologies are being introduced, which allow collecting a huge amount of data from devices, analyzing them and then giving recommendations for optimizing production and predictive equipment maintenance.

To simplify data collection and integration of devices into a single system, ICP DAS has developed a wireless solution for creating a connected IWSN (Industrial Wireless Sensor Network) sensor network, which allows you to remotely measure voltage, temperature, and other parameters, and then transmit data over a radio channel at a frequency of 433 MHz. IWSN includes: data concentrators from iWSN modules, and iWSN modules for measuring various parameters and sensors.

Let’s compare a conventional meter and an iWSN one

Name Conventional meter iWSN meter
Main function Current measurement Measurement of current, temperature, gas concentration and vibration
Accuracy <1% <3% or ±0.3 A
Poll cycle At least 1 time per second Every 1, 10, 30, 60 seconds
Power Connecting directly to AC power or using an additional DC converter Powered by an overhead current transformer and built-in battery
Power consumption 100% Wireless module + meter + PSU About 7W 0.3% All in one module About 20mW
Configuration Software, via utility Hardware, via DIP switch
Hardware costs High Low
Solution disadvantages Long installation time
The need to de-energize the power plant
Difficult setup and inconvenient maintenance
Support for simple functions only
Low update time
Application Electricity commercial metering system, electricity quality measurement Electricity technical metering system, general monitoring and trending, predictive maintenance

iWSN-2200 series are data concentrators for iWSN modules that allow you to receive data from sensors via a 433 MHz radio channel and send it to the upper level via RS-485 and RS-232 interfaces using the Modbus RTU protocol or via Ethernet via Modbus TCP. One iWSN-2200 hub allows you to poll up to 31 iWSN modules with various sensors at up to 100 meters. To separate several device networks from each other, it is possible to choose one of 16 data transmission channels.

Name Interface Protocol
iWSN-2200 RS-485 or RS-232 Modbus RTU
iWSN-2200-R1 RS-485
iWSN-2200-E Ethernet Modbus TCP

iWSN modules for measuring temperature, humidity, vibration and concentration of CO2, CO, TVOC gases. Some models have the ability to be powered through an overhead current transformer on the AC line, which eliminates the need to install a separate power source. Expansion slot allows you to connect various sensors.

Name Powered by transformer Thermal resistance Thermocouple Expansion slot
iWSN-1510X Yes 1
iWSN-1511X 1 x 0 °C…+80 °C 1
iWSN-3020-TC-BT-IP65 2 x K-Type 0°C…150°C
iWSN-3020-TCF-BT-IP65 2 x K-Type 0 °C…+1300 °C

Sensors for connection to the expansion slot.

  • iWSN-010 – Temperature (-20°C…+60 °C) and humidity sensor
  • iWSN-012 – CO2 concentration (400…60000 ppm) and (TVOC 0…60000 ppb) sensor
  • iWSN-101 – CO concentration (0…1000 ppm) sensor
  • iWSN-201 – Vibration sensor, 1 axis, 1 kHz, ±8g
  • iWSN-203 – Vibration sensor, 3 axis, 500 Hz, ±8g

iWSN wireless emergency alarm button is available in various designs.

Name Range IP Protection rate Mounting
iWSN-SOS-PB 50 m Wallmount

iWSN-1xxx are iWSN modules for technical measurement of current and voltage values in power circuits of various power plants. Some models are able not only to measure voltage through a clamp-on current transformer, but also to receive power from this line. Some iWSN models have a connector for connecting iWSN-700 expansion modules, which allows you to connect additional current transformers.

Name Channels Transformer type Expansion bus foriWSN-700 Additional features
iWSN-110X-PCT-DC 1 Φ16 mm (100A)
Φ24 mm (200A)
Φ36 mm (400A)
2 Thermistor input 0 °C ~ 80 °C and 1x DI
3 Thermistor input 0 °C ~ 80 °C
iWSN-1310-mA-ME 3x AI, 0 ~ 20 mA
iWSN-110X-RCT1000P-CT 1, power only Φ24 mm (200A) Rogowski Yes
iWSN-110X-RCT1000PL-CT Φ36 mm (400A) Rogowski

iWSN-700 modules for connecting various current transformers.

Name Channels Thermistor input
iXN-7CT5 5, accuracy <3% or 0.3 A
iXN-7CT5TM7 7, accuracy < 2 °C

Current transformers for different current values and cable diameters.

Name Max. current Cable diameter, mm Transformer wire length, m
CA-SCT16I-100A-L080 100A 16 8
CA-SCT24I-200A-L080 200A 24
CA-SCT36I-400A-L080 400A 36

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