SPS/IPC/Drives 2011 review

09 December 2011 Events

After the end of the SPS/IPC/Drives 2011 we would like to thank all visitors, who visited us at our booth. We had many interesting conversations and acquired a great deal of impressions and ideas for 2012.

As before, the SPS/IPC/DIVES remains one of the best automation European fairs and sound platform for the presentation of new and established products. The constantly increasing amount of exhibitors and visitors as well as booth space shows the popularity for national and international visitors. Thus the important fair figures increased to 1,429 exhibitors, 56,321 visitors and 104,000 m2.

In this year IPC2U also matched „electrical“atmosphere of the fair with attractive Give Aways, booth games and tombola. Beside fun we also offered professional consulting and latest products which could be experienced on touch at our booth.

We wish all clients, journalists and interested visitors successful time till next SPS fair. We would be glad to meet you meanwhile at the Embedded World 2012 or CeBIT 2012, where we will be represented with an interesting and informative program.

Fair impressions

Fast Product Request