Sales and support

Address: Industrial Personal Computer 2U GmbH
Frankenring 6
30855 Langenhagen Germany
Tel.: +49 (511) 807 259-0
Fax: +49 (511) 807 259-22
VAT_(USt-IdNr.): DE250846309
District court: Hannover B201075
CEO: Arthur Barasch
Company: Industrial Personal Computer 2U GmbH

All information published by Industrial Personal Computer 2U GmbH, data, graphics and publications were researched with the utmost care and to the best of my knowledge, compiled and, where they come from external sources, unchanged, but without claiming to completeness and accuracy and the ability the misinterpretation or misuse by users of this offer excluded. In that regard, as liabilities are only accepted for reasons as gross negligence or intent liability. Any further liability is excluded.

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Any liability and compensation claims by users of this information offer due to aforementioned reasons against Industrial Personal Computer 2U GmbH, data, graphics and publications were researched with the utmost care and to the best of my knowledge, compiled and, where they come from external sources, unchanged, but without claiming to completeness and accuracy and the ability the misinterpretation or misuse by users of this offer excluded. In that regard, as liabilities are only accepted for reasons as gross negligence or intent liability. Any further liability is excluded. Each user is required to check the information provided here themselves to ensure their accuracy and completeness. All logos, logotypes and illustrations may be used by users of this information offer for their own purposes, regardless of type, are used and are subject to the copyright and image rights of the holders / sources. Partial all of our pictures on the services Pixelio, Fotolia, iStockphoto and Getty Images were acquired and used in accordance with the respective license conditions, more image sources are our suppliers and partners. Furthermore, it should be noted that all information from external sources in all respects enjoy full copyright protection, may be reproduced without written consent of the respective author, involved in their own publications or employed in any other form by users of this offer - exclusively for informational purposes only and in no case - except for their own use and documentation. Similarly rejects any legal claims Industrial Personal Computer 2U GmbH due to abuse by users of it`s websites forms. Trademarks: The entire names and trademarks are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective manufacturers. The downloading of files is at your own risk. Industrial Personal Computer 2U GmbH assumes no liability for damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of these files. This is especially true if these files were used for criminal acts. All statements are without guarantee. Errors and subjects can be changed. The company assumes no obligation to update the documents, information and statements contained on this website, insofar as there is no legal obligation to publish there. If we comment on forecasts or expectations in this document or the future make relevant statements. These statements may be associated with known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Actual results and developments may therefore differ materially from the expressed expectations and assumptions. By using this information you recognize the aforementioned conditions as legally binding are excluded. Trademarks: The entire names and trademarks are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective manufacturers.

The downloading of files is at your own risk. Industrial Personal Computer 2U GmbH assumes no liability for damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of these files. This is especially true if these files were used for criminal acts.

All statements are without guarantee. Errors and subjects can be changed. The company assumes no obligation to update the documents, information and statements contained on this website, insofar as there is no legal obligation to publish there. If we comment on forecasts or expectations in this document or the future make relevant statements. These statements may be associated with known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Actual results and developments may therefore differ materially from the expressed expectations and assumptions.

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